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胡树罡,王 磊,欧阳钢,季 鹏,余 萍,王 萍,励建安.电针对运动后心率恢复异常冠心病患者心肺功能及生存质量的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2016,(12):1318~1323
电针对运动后心率恢复异常冠心病患者心肺功能及生存质量的影响    点此下载全文
胡树罡  王 磊  欧阳钢  季 鹏  余 萍  王 萍  励建安
摘要点击次数: 1629
全文下载次数: 1532
      摘要 目的:探讨电针对于心肺运动试验后2min时心率恢复值异常的冠心病患者心肺功能及生存质量的影响。 方法:纳入70例经冠脉造影检查确诊为冠心病且在心肺运动试验终止2min时心率恢复值(HRR2)异常的患者,随机分为以下两组并给予12周相应干预:①电针组35例,常规用药管理和电针治疗;②对照组35例,常规用药管理。12周治疗前后通过心肺运动负荷试验、心率变异性检测测定两组患者的静息心率(RHR)、HRR2、峰值摄氧量(peak VO2)、无氧阈(AT)、峰值通气量(peak VE)、峰值功率(peak Power)、心率变异性指标,以及简明健康量表(SF-36)评分。 结果:12周后,电针组RHR、HRR2、peak VO2、AT、peak Power及心率变异性指标均优于治疗前(P<0.05),SF-36量表在身体疼痛(BP)、生理功能(PF)、生理职能(RP)、总体健康(GH)、活力(VT)、社会功能(SF)6个维度评分高于治疗前(P<0.05);而对照组对应指标与治疗前相比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。组间比较,电针组RHR、HRR2、peak VO2、AT、peak Power结果均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而两组间peak VE相比则无显著性差异(P>0.05);SF-36评分在BP、PF、RP、GH、VT、SF这6个维度上显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论:电针在改善心率恢复异常冠心病患者的心率恢复情况的同时,可以显著提高患者心肺功能以及生存质量。
关键词:电针  心率恢复  冠心病  心率变异性  心肺运动负荷试验  心肺功能  生存质量
The effect of electro-acupuncture on the cardiopulmonary function and the quality of life for patients with coronary heart disease    Download Fulltext
School of Rehabilitation Medicine Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu,Province Geriatric Hospital
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the effect of electro-acupuncture on the cardiopulmonary function and the quality of life for patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) who had abnormal heart rate recovery (HRR2) in 2mins after cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). Method: Seventy patients with abnormal HRR2 diagnosed by coronary angiography were assigned into the electro-acupuncture group (n=35) and the control group randomly. The former received the medication administration and the electro-acupuncture for 12 weeks. At the same time, only the medication administration was given to the latter. We assessed the resting heart rate (RHR), HRR2, peak oxygen uptake (peak VO2), anaerobic threshold (AT), peak ventilation (peak VE), peak power (peak Power), heart rate variability (HRV) and score of (SF-36) by the CPET, HRV detection and concise health questionnaire at the pre and post treatment. Result: in the electro-acupuncture group, we observed the significant improvement of the indexes (RHR, HRR2, peak VO2, AT, peak Power, HRV) and the score of 6 dimensionalities in SF-36 statistically following 12-weeks treatment (P<0.05). However, the same outcomes were not exhibited in the control group (P>0.05). There were significant differences of the results in statistics (P<0.05) between 2 groups except peak VE and 2 dimensionalities in SF-36 (P>0.05), emotional function (RE) and mental health (MH). Conclusion: Electro-acupuncture can improve the heart rate recovery of coronary heart disease patients with abnormal heart rate recovery. At the same time it can also dramatically improve cardiopulmonary function and quality of life of patients.
Keywords:electro-acupuncture  heart rate recovery  coronary heart disease  heart rate variability  cardiopulmonary exercise test  cardiopulmonary  quality of life
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