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萧演清,汪 洁,张大华,宋为群.不同言语加工水平受损的汉语失语症患者治疗前后的事件相关电位变化[J].中国康复医学杂志,2017,(1):53~58
不同言语加工水平受损的汉语失语症患者治疗前后的事件相关电位变化    点此下载全文
萧演清  汪 洁  张大华  宋为群
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(30770714,81171024); 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(7052030); 首都医学发展科研基金项目(2007~2068); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研资金项目(20091107110004); 北京市卫生系统高层次卫生技术人才培养计划(2009—3—62); 北京市科委科普专项(711111005500000)
摘要点击次数: 1443
全文下载次数: 1667
      摘要 目的:本研究采用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术考察不同类型失语患者治疗前后的ERP脑电变化。 方法:根据“汉语失语症心理语言评价”得分结果,把1例归为语义损伤为主和3例患者归为词汇通达障碍。另1例患者因不能理解动作指令,不能理解简单句子,归为语义损伤组,采用ERPs作为技术手段,实验任务为延迟命名,观察患者的治疗前后的脑电情况,用于实验的图片分为训练组图片和非训练组图片,记录15例健康人的脑电图作为对照。 结果:2例语义损伤的患者治疗后波幅变化出现在400ms以前的时间窗,3例找词困难的患者治疗后波幅变化出现在400ms前后或之后的时间窗,波幅变化不仅出现在训练过的图片,也出现在非训练组语义相关的图片,左右半球间有不同形式的波幅变化(P1和P3),训练组图片与非训练组图片也有不同形式的波幅变化(P5)。 结论:ERPs可作为探讨汉语失语症病态内部语言的过程,辅助探讨失语症恢复的机制以及与语言治疗的关系。
关键词:失语症  言语产生  言语治疗  语义编码  语音编码  词汇通达  事件相关电位
Changes of abnormal ERPs patterns before and after treatment for aphasia with different impaired encoding process during word production    Download Fulltext
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University,Beijing,100053
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: to investigate the changes of abnormal ERPs patterns accompany recovery from different type aphasia by event-related-potentials(ERPs)technology. Method:Delaying picture naming task was used during ERPs study to analyze electrophysiological changes of recovery from different type aphasia. One aphasic patients were divided into lexicaI-semantic impairment and three aphasic patients were divided into ,lexjcal-aceess impairmen according to psycholinguistic assessment in Chinese apbasia(PACA),another patient was divided into lexicaI-semantic impairment account for difficulity in order and simple sectence comprehension,the pictures used were divided into treated group and the untreated group ,compared to 15 healthy control subjects perfornling the same picture naming task. Result: The subgroup with lexical-semantic inlpairment had changes of abnormal amplitudes before 400ms,the subgroup with lexical-access impaimlent had changes of abnormal amplitudes across and after400ms, the suhgmup with Iexical-phonological inlpairrnent had abrlormaI pattems after 400ms.The changes of the amplitudes appeared not only in the treated pictures ,but also the untreated pictures,the pattern of the changes of the amplitudes were different between not only the left and right hemisphere(P1,P3),but also the treated and untreated pictures(P5). Conclusion: ERPs can be used as a tool to explore the internal language process in a morbid state and to assist exploring the mechanism of recover after treatment in the aphasia.
Keywords:aphasia  word production  speech therapy  semantic encoding  phonological encoding  lexical—access  event related potentials
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