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严鑫平,杨刘柱,吴 波,周潇齐,许遵营,陈 仲.中等强度旋转恒磁场亚慢性连续照射对大鼠大脑氧化还原和组织病理的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2017,(6):631~635
中等强度旋转恒磁场亚慢性连续照射对大鼠大脑氧化还原和组织病理的影响    点此下载全文
严鑫平  杨刘柱  吴 波  周潇齐  许遵营  陈 仲
摘要点击次数: 1357
全文下载次数: 1322
      摘要 目的:探讨中等强度旋转恒磁场亚慢性连续照射对大鼠大脑组织氧化还原指标和组织病理的影响。 方法:将22只健康成年雄性Wistar大鼠(购于南方医科大学实验动物中心),体重(220—250)g,随机分成4组:空白对照组(n=5):正常饲养,不给予任何干预;不旋转组(n=5):分别将每只大鼠放置在一个长宽高分别为10cm、10cm、12cm的均匀分布着孔洞的塑料筐里,可以保证在实验时大鼠一直在磁场上方,塑料筐上盖有玻璃板,防止大鼠跳出,然后将大鼠放于磁场上方(0.49T),磁场不旋转,实验期间整只大鼠都暴露于磁场当中;低频旋转组(n=6):将大鼠放于旋转恒磁场上方(0.49T),旋转频率为3000rpm;高频旋转组(n=6):将大鼠放于旋转恒磁场上方(0.49T),旋转频率为6000rpm,每天3h,连续30d。实验结束后取大脑组织进行生化指标丙二醛(MDA)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、一氧化氮(NO)、髓过氧化物酶(MPO)检测和大脑组织HE染色。 结果:各组大鼠大脑组织的MDA、GSH、NO、MPO指标差异无显著性意义(P>0.05),组织病理切片未见明显病变。 结论:中等强度旋转恒磁场亚慢性连续照射对大鼠大脑组织无明显影响。
关键词:中等强度  旋转恒磁场  亚慢性连续照射  大脑
Effects of moderate intensity rotating permanent magnetic field on oxidative parameters and histopathology in subchronic continuous exposured rat brain    Download Fulltext
Department of Orthopedics, Southern Medical University Zhujiang Hospital, Guangzhou, 510280
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      Abstract Objective: To investigate the effects of subchronic continuous exposured to moderate intensity rotating magnetic field on oxidative parameters and histopathology in rat brain. Method: Twenty-two male adult Wistar rats (purchased from the experimental animal center of Southern Medical University, weight 220—250g) were randomly divide into four groups: Control group (n=5): Raised in normal environment without treatment; No rotation group (n=5): each rat was placed in a 10cm×10cm×12cm plastic basket with uniformly distributed holes and covered with glass plate to prevent the jumping out of rats. Then the rats were placed above the magnetic field (0.49T) without rotation. Low frequency rotation group (n=6): Rats were placed above magnetic field (0.49T), rotation frequency was 3000rpm; High frequency rotation group (n=6): Rats were placed above magnetic field (0.49T), rotation frequency was 6000rpm. The experiment time was 3 hours per day for 30 consecutive days. At the end of experiment, took the brain tissue for MDA, GSH, NO, MPO detection and HE stain. Result: The content of MDA, GSH, NO and MPO showed no significant difference (P>0.05) and histopathology showed no pathological changes between the 4 groups. Conclusion: Our study showed that subchronic continuous exposure to moderate intensity magnetic field had no effect on brain.
Keywords:moderate intensity  rotating magnetic field  subchronic continuous exposure  brain
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