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艾 磊,罗 维,朱晓梅,汤 强,刘 凌.运动与吸烟对健康青壮年男性心率变异性的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2017,(8):916~922
运动与吸烟对健康青壮年男性心率变异性的影响    点此下载全文
艾 磊  罗 维  朱晓梅  汤 强  刘 凌
摘要点击次数: 1562
全文下载次数: 1550
      摘要 目的:探讨每周训练时长与吸烟两个潜在的自主神经功能影响因子对健康青壮年男性心率变异性(HRV)的交互影响,为改善青壮年男性人群自主神经功能、降低心血管疾病发病率提供相应参考。 方法:本研究共选取了149例受试者,依据受试者吸烟指数的大小分为不吸烟组(N组,n=66例)、吸烟多组(M组,n=45例)以及吸烟少组(F组,n=38例),其中,N组、M组和F组依据每周训练时间的长短又都分为运动多和运动少两个亚组,分别为:不吸烟运动少组(NF组,n=28例)、不吸烟运动多组(NM组,n=38例)、吸烟多运动多组(MM组,n=22例)、吸烟多运动少组(MF组,n=23例)、吸烟少运动多组(FM组,n=18例)和吸烟少运动少组(FF组,n=20例)。HRV测试包括时域指标有SDNN、RMSSD、SDSD以及PNN50等,频域指标有TP、HF、LF、HFnu、LFnu、LF/HF以及VLF等。 结果:①不吸烟时,NM和NF组心率变异性的时域及频域各指标相差不大(P>0.05);吸烟相对较少时,FM组的TP、HF和LF等指标的值均大于FF组对应指标的值(P<0.05);吸烟相对较多时,MM组的LF/HF值大于MF组的LF/HF值(P<0.05)。②运动相对较少时,NF组的LF值大于MF组的LF值(P<0.05);运动相对较多时,NM组和FM组各时域及频域指标中除LF/HF和LFnu以外的其他各项指标的均值均大于MM组对应各指标的均值,其中,FM组的RMSSD和SDSD等的值与MM组对应两指标值的差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 结论:①吸烟和缺乏规律性的健身活动(每周训练时间少于300min)都是影响心率变异性的风险因素。②吸烟指数少于200者,规律性的健身活动(每周总时长超过300min)对于心率变异性存在明显的改善作用。③吸烟指数大于200者,规律性的健身活动(每周总时长超过300min)未能干预吸烟对心率变异性形成的不良影响,必须戒烟。④运动强度作为影响心率变异性的一个重要因子,建议后续研究运动对于心率变异性影响时应作重点具体化考量。⑤吸烟引起心率变异性的变化是个急性效应,建议后续研究吸烟对于心率变异性的影响可以将每日吸烟支数作为影响因子。
关键词:吸烟  运动  心率变异性  自主神经  迷走神经
The influence of exercise and smoking on young healthy men’s heart rate variability    Download Fulltext
Jiangsu Research Institute of Sports Science, Nanjing, 210033
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the interactive influence of smoking and physical exercise time which are two possible impact factors of automatic function on health young men's heart rate variability (HRV). Method: One hundred and forty nine health young men were divided into six group according to their smoking index and weekly physical exercise time: Group NF is no smoking and do less exercise (n=28), Group NM is no smoking and do more exercise (n=38), Group MM is smoking a lot and do more exercise (n=22), Group MF is smoking a lot but do less exercise (n=23), Group FF is smoking a little and do less exercise (n=18), Group FM is smoking a little and do more exercise (n=20); The index of HRV contains time domain indicators which including RMSSD, SDNN, SDSD and PNN50, and frequency domain indicators which including TP, HF, LF, HFnu, LFnu, LF/HF, and VLF, etc. Result: ①There is no obvious difference for frequency domain index and time domain index of HRV between group NM and group NF (P>0.05); These frequency domain indexes value including TP, HF, and LF of group FM are larger than them of group FF (P<0.05). The value of LF/HF of group MM is larger than that of group MF (P<0.05). ②If we compared each other these groups which do less exercise, we will find that value of LF of group NF is larger than it of group MF (P<0.05). However, as doing more exercise, all the value of HRV index in both the frequency domain and the time domain except the LF/HF and LFnu for groups NM and FM were larger than those of group MM. And for these time domain indexes including RMSSD and SDSD of group FM are larger than those of group MM (P<0.05). Conclusion: ①Smoking and lack of regular physical exercise (weekly exercise time less than 300 minutes) are both two risk factors for HRV. ②For those smoking index less than 200, regular physical exercise (weekly exercise time more than 300 minutes) can significantly improve the value of HRV. ③For those smoking index larger than 200, regular physical exercise (weekly exercise time more than 300 minutes) cannot positively intervene the negative effect which caused by smoking, and must give up smoking. ④We suggested that who want to research the impact of exercise to HRV should take exercise intensity as an important factor. ⑤Smoking induced reaction of HRV is acute and we didn't find the duration of smoking can significantly influence the value of HRV, so we suggested take the number of cigarettes smoked per day as a potential impact factors in the further study.
Keywords:smoking  exercise  heart rate variability  autonomic  vagus nerve
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