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王骏昇,荣湘江,尹 军,刘 坤.不同水平排球运动员平衡功能与认知功能的相关性研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2018,(9):1043~1049
不同水平排球运动员平衡功能与认知功能的相关性研究    点此下载全文
王骏昇  荣湘江  尹 军  刘 坤
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(Grant Nos. 21475089);2015北京市教委科技创新平台项目(PXM2015_014206_000053,PXM2015_014206_000072,PXM2015_014206_000051);北京市属高校高水平教师队伍建设支持计划青年拔尖人才项目(CIT&TCD201804092);首都体育学院内涵建设—青少年身体运动功能训练方法手段及其效果研究项目(28517001)
摘要点击次数: 1339
全文下载次数: 926
      摘要 目的:通过对比不同水平排球运动员的平衡功能和认知功能,探索排球运动员平衡与认知功能之间的关系,为防治运动损伤和提高科学训练水平奠定基础。 方法:选取省市职业队青年排球运动员20例(HV组)和体育学院运动训练专业排球专项在校大学生20例(UV组)作为实验对象,所有实验对象采集年龄、身高、体重信息、计算身体质量指数(BMI),之后采用意大利Postural Equa平衡分析系统分别测定实验对象单脚站立时睁眼10s和闭眼10s两个状态的静态平衡指标。同时测定所有实验样本的简单反应时间、注意力和空间记忆位置广度。使用Prism统计分析软件进行平衡与认知功能的相关性分析。 结果:HV组和UV组相比,两组样本在年龄、身高、体重、BMI等指标之间差异没有显著性。在睁眼状态下,HV组运动员的身体重心摆动总长度和最大摆幅都显著小于UV组运动员,在闭眼状态下HV组和UV组运动员之间各项平衡功能参数差异均没有显著性。HV组和UV组运动员闭眼状态的线形图面积和最大摆幅都显著高于睁眼状态。HV组运动员的简单反应时和注意力显著优于UV组运动员。与UV组运动员相比,HV组运动员在认知功能与平衡功能之间有更强的相关性。 结论:在本实验条件下,HV组高水平排球运动员的静态平衡功能、简单反应时和注意力优于UV组,HV组的简单反应时、注意力和空间记忆等认知功能与平衡功能参数之间存在显著相关性。
关键词:静态平衡  简单反应时  注意力  空间位置记忆广度  相关性
Correlation analysis between balance function and cognitive function of volleyball players in different levels    Download Fulltext
Capital University of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing,100191
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To compare balance function and cognitive function between two groups of volleyball players in different levels. Method: Twenty national level young volleyball players (HV group) and 20 matched young volleyball players (UV group) from a sports university were enrolled in this study. Their age, height, weight, and body mass index were collected. Balance function was tested by Postural Equa Balance Test System in open eyes single foot and close eyes single foot condition for 10 seconds. Cognitive tests include simple reaction time, attention and spatial memory. Correlation between balance and cognition was evaluated with Pearson correlation coefficient. Result: There is no difference in age, height, weight, or BMI between HV and UV groups. In open eyes single foot condition, TL and ML in HV group are significant lower than those in UV group. No difference was found between the two groups in close eyes condition. The both groups have significant higher Area and ML in close eyes condition than in open eyes condition. HV group has better reaction time and attention than UV group. Only HV group has significant correlation between balance and cognition. Conclusion: In the condition of this study, HV group has better static balance function, reaction time and attention than UV group. Only HV group has significant correlation between cognition and balance.
Keywords:static balance  simple reaction time  attention  spatial memory  correlation
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