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谭 梅,田 田,吕晓华,查宇亮.联合机能试验负荷模型下的动态心电评价[J].中国康复医学杂志,2019,(12):1456~1463
联合机能试验负荷模型下的动态心电评价    点此下载全文
谭 梅  田 田  吕晓华  查宇亮
摘要点击次数: 881
全文下载次数: 595
      摘要 目的:联合机能试验负荷条件下,通过动态心电监测,快速筛选运动时心血管风险、评价运动强度和体能储备。 方法:对10例体育学硕士研究生在联合机能试验的标准负荷条件下进行连续负荷心电图描记,并对动态心电图监测结果进行研究。 结果:心率加速、匀速和减速时R波电压比较结果中,大部分个例(51.72%)及总体反应出的左室电压均在心率加速时较高;将29人次中RRn/RRn+1与R波电压具有相关性的22人次作加速度、3加速度、5加速度、15加速度与对应R波电压的线性回归分析,分别有16人次、18人次、20人次和22人次,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),具有线性回归关系;对总数据分析结果显示,除3加速度外,其余均具有线性回归关系;总体心电散点图呈现为窦性心律和运动负荷诱发的窦速,伴偶发房早。 结论:在联合机能试验条件下,心功失代偿之前,或可以心脏实际负荷推测躯体外周负荷,联合应用心电散点图分析技术,在既定运动量下(如联合机能试验)实时的全程动态心电监测,或可以作为运动时心血管风险快筛、运动强度和体能储备快速识别、运动强度精确评价的参考方法。
关键词:联合机能试验  动态心电监测  躯体负荷  心脏负荷  运动强度
Dynamic ECG evaluation under combined function test load model    Download Fulltext
West China School of Public Health and West China Fourth Hospital,Chengdu Sichuan,610041
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To screening cardiovascular risk during quick exercise, evaluating exercise intensity and physical reserve by dynamic ECG monitoring under combined functional test load conditions. Method: Continuous load ECG of 10 PE postgraduates were recorded under standard load of combined functional test, and the results of dynamic ECG monitoring were studied. Result: R wave voltage comparison in the heart rate acceleration, uniform velocity and deceleration showed that the left ventricular voltage of most persons (51.72%) and total data were higher under heart rate acceleration,22 persons whose RRn/RRn+1 were relevant with R wave voltage were used for the linear regression analysis of acceleration, 3 acceleration, 5 acceleration, 15 acceleration and corresponding R wave voltage. The results showed statistical difference and linear regression relationship for 16 persons, 18 persons, 20 persons and 22 persons, respectively(P<0.05). The overall ECG scatter plot showed sinus rhythm and exercise load-induced sinus velocity with incidental atrial premature. Conclusion: Under the condition of combined functional test, the actual cardiac load may be able to predict the external body load before cardiac function decompensation. Combined with ECG scatter plot analysis, real-time whole-course dynamic ECG monitoring can quickly screen the cardiovascular risk during exercise, rapidly identify exercise intensity and physical reserve and accurately evaluate the exercise load intensity under given exercise volume (such as combined function test).
Keywords:combined function test  dynamic ECG monitoring  body load  cardiac load  exercise intensity
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