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赵 琛,虞亚明,罗小兵,阎俊蒲.屈膝肌群在不同起始角度下的募集特征分析[J].中国康复医学杂志,2021,(2):177~181
屈膝肌群在不同起始角度下的募集特征分析    点此下载全文
赵 琛  虞亚明  罗小兵  阎俊蒲
摘要点击次数: 931
全文下载次数: 688
      摘要 目的:探讨在不同起始角度下,股后肌群与腓肠肌群参与屈膝动作的募集程度与动员顺序,为运动训练、运动康复的运动处方设计提供建议。 方法:20例健康成年男子在坐姿屈膝训练器上,以5个起始角度做负荷为1RM(1次重复最大负荷)的80%屈膝动作3次,采集其屈膝肌群的表面肌电图。 结果:①在同一起始角度下,屈膝动作中各肌群的募集比例一致,股后内侧肌群占比最大,最高达到35.04%±6.62%(P<0.01),其他肌群之间无显著差异;随起始角度向伸膝位靠近,小腿内侧肌群的募集比例在屈膝角5°显著增加(P<0.05),股后内侧肌群显著减小(P<0.05),其他肌群随角度无变化。②在相同起始角度下,股后内侧肌群最先动员(P<0.05);随起始角度向伸膝位靠近,小腿内侧肌群的激活时间在屈膝角5°显著提前(P<0.05),其他肌群无变化差异。 结论:利用坐姿屈膝训练时,改变起始角度,屈膝肌群的募集比例与顺序不随之改变,股后内侧肌群动员程度最高;在接近完全伸膝位时,小腿内侧肌群会显著提升募集比例,并提前启动时间。在制定诸如腘绳肌损伤等股后肌群的运动康复方案中,可以以此作为参考。
关键词:屈膝训练  表面肌电  募集比例  启动顺序
The mechanical and sEMG analysis of related muscles as knee flexion at different initial angle    Download Fulltext
Sichuan Orthopedic Hospital, Sichuan, Chengdu, 610000
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the recruitment order of and work by hamstrings and gastrocnemius in the knee flexion with different starting angles, and provides suggestion for the design of rehabilitation training program. Method: Twenty healthy adult men were subjected to 3 times of 80% of 1RM(one Repetition Maximum) knee flexion at 5 initial angles on the isokenetic training apparatus,and sEMG were picked up from medial and lateral hamstrings and gastrocnemius at the same time. Result: ①As knee flexion starting angle from 35 to 15 degree,in both concentric and eccentric contractions, the work of four muscles was consistent, and the medial hamstrings always contributed the largest proportion (P<0.01), but the medial gastrocnemius contribution increased gradually during the eccentric cotraction. As starting from 5 degree, medial gastrocnemius contribution increased to the most(P<0.05) and media hamstrimgs decreased to the leased (P<0.05). ②At the same starting angle,the medial hamstrings was always the first mobilized (P<0.05);As the initial knee flexion angle decreases gradually, the medial gastrocnemius recruitment advances gradually (P<0.05), and there was nothing change in the other muscles. Conclusion: As the hip angle fixed,and the knee flexion start angle from 35° to 5°,in both concentric and eccentric knee flexion,the work and recruitment order of hamstrings and gastrocnemuius do not change, the media hamstrings starts first and contributes the most work. When approaching full knee extension, the medial gastrocnemius will significantly increase the recruitment ratio and start first. It could be the suggestion for the rehabilitation program such as hamstrings injury.
Keywords:knee flexion exercise  surface electromyography  iEMG work -rate  recruitment order
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