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陈 曦,黄东锋,陈少贞,刘 鹏,林爱华,李 海,江明旭.广东省成人听力残疾主要致残原因分析和对策分析*[J].中国康复医学杂志,2009,24(5):439~441
广东省成人听力残疾主要致残原因分析和对策分析*    点此下载全文
陈 曦  黄东锋  陈少贞  刘 鹏  林爱华  李 海  江明旭
摘要点击次数: 2322
全文下载次数: 1779
关键词:听力残疾; 全国残疾人抽样调查;残疾程度  中耳炎
Cause and countermeasure study on hearing impairment adults in Guangdong province    Download Fulltext
The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510081
Fund Project:
      Objective: To analysis the main causes of hearing impairment adults, and to raise effective methods to prevent and treat this impairment directly, with carefully study the data from the Second National Sampling Survey on Impairment in Guangdong province. Method: The relative data were collected in 2006. The statistics study was taken according to the disability severity, urban and rural distribution, also the onset age. The main causes of hearing impairment were investigated. Corresponding suggestion on prevention and treatment were raised according to more survey studies and medical analysis. Result: Different risk causes led to significant differences in disability severity, urban and rural distribution, and even the onset age(P<0.01). The incidence of hearing impairment was much higher in rural region than in urban region(73.8%∶26.2%). The main cause for hearing impairment was presbycusis(64.4%), for middle-aged patients was otitis media(31%),and for old patients was presbycusis(75%). Genetic factors(61.9%) and infectious diseases(53.8%) caused serious hearing impairment. Conclusion: To reduce and alleviate the hearing impairment, more works should be done ,such as genetic survey, more examinations and educations before and after childbirth, general hearing examination for the aged, early use of acouophone in hearing impairment patients, more financial and technical supports in rural region.
Keywords:hearing impairment  National Sampling Survey on Impairment  disability severity  otitis media
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