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赵炳楠,杨延砚,谷 莉,陈亚平,周谋望.四川省阿坝州茂县大骨节病患者生活自理能力和社会参与状况的分析[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(10):974~977
四川省阿坝州茂县大骨节病患者生活自理能力和社会参与状况的分析    点此下载全文
赵炳楠  杨延砚  谷 莉  陈亚平  周谋望
摘要点击次数: 1913
全文下载次数: 1935
      摘要 目的:对四川省阿坝州茂县大骨节病患者的生活自理能力和社会参与状况进行调查,分析原因并探讨康复干预的可行性。 方法: 收集2009年2月25日—3月3日四川省阿坝州茂县凤毛村、罗山村和九龙村的抽样调查数据,每村抽取病患组及对照组各25例。生活自理能力的评定为WHO-DAS Ⅱ分项目中残疾人活动参与评定数据,社会参与状况数据为参与量表社会参与受限程度得分。采用关节角度测量尺和徒手肌力检查法对大骨节病患者分别进行被动关节活动度与肌肉力量的测量,同时记录相关疼痛情况。 结果:大骨节病患者组与健康对照组在生活自理能力和社会参与能力方面的等级差异均有显著意义(Z值分别为-9.459和-8.478);大骨节病患者普遍存在的关节疼痛、活动受限及肌肉力量减弱等问题严重影响患者肢体功能。 结论: 四川省阿坝州茂县大骨节病患者存在不同程度的生活自理能力和社会参与局限。应加强三级康复网,建立社区康复服务,改变传统干预概念,帮助患者回归社会。
关键词:大骨节病  康复  生活自理能力  功能  社会参与
Analysis of individual living abilities and the status of social participation of the people with Kashin-Beck disease in Mao County Aba region Sichuan province    Download Fulltext
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Peking University 3rd Hospital, No. 49 North Garden Road, Beijing, 100191
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To survey and analysis the differences in individual living abilities and the status of social participation between the people with Kashin-Beck Disease(KBD) and the healthy people in Mao county, Sichuan province,and to explore the feasibility of corresponding rehabilitation strategies. Method: Statistic and analysis were made on the data collected from three villages (Fengmao, Luoshan and Jiulong) from Feb 25th to Mar 3rd in 2009, with particular concern on the results of the assessment of WHO-DAS II and participation scale. The range of motion of joints and muscle strength were measured and recorded. The pain level was evaluated with visual analogue scale. Result: There were significant differences in the individual living abilities and social participation between the people with KBD and the healthy people. More limitations in individual living and social participation due to the limitations of range of motion of joints and muscle strength were showed in the people with KBD. Conclusion: The people with KBD have various levels of individual living and participation restrictions. The three-level network of rehabilitation should be strengthened, and the community based rehabilitation services should be established. The traditional conception of intervention must be change, and help the people with KBD to return to the social.
Keywords:Kashin-Beck disease  rehabilitation  individual living ability  function  social participation
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