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高敏行,江钟立,林 枫,孙 丽,田智慧,吴雏燕.家属实施语义导航训练法改善失语症患者言语功能的疗效观察[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(5):419~423
家属实施语义导航训练法改善失语症患者言语功能的疗效观察    点此下载全文
高敏行  江钟立  林 枫  孙 丽  田智慧  吴雏燕
摘要点击次数: 2172
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      摘要 目的:探讨家属采用语义导航训练(SNT)对失语症患者言语功能改善的作用。 方法:20例失语症患者随机分为SNT组(n=10)和语义无关训练(US)组(n=10)。从中文联想词汇库中选取122 个词汇,SNT组按照网络分析技术自动生成语义关联的词汇顺序,而US组按照随机排列的词汇顺序呈现给患者,并由患者家属进行为期10d,每天1次的言语训练。训练前后采用西方失语症成套测验(WAB)和微小交流活动量表(Mini-cal)评估患者的言语功能。 结果:训练后SNT组WAB的自发言语和听理解子项目以及失语商(AQ)积分均较US组显著增加,SNT组训练后WAB四个子项目和AQ积分均较训练前显著增加。训练后SNT组Mini-cal的定性、定量1、定量2和总分均较US组显著增加,SNT组训练后Mini-cal的定性、定量1、定量2和总分均较训练前显著增加。 结论:家属采用SNT可以显著改善失语症患者的言语功能,提示该方法适合于家庭开展言语治疗。
关键词:语义导航训练法  失语症  西方失语症成套测验
Observation on therapeutic effects of semantic navigation training implemented by family members on improvement of speech function in patients with aphasia    Download Fulltext
The first affiliated hospital of Nanjing medical university,Nanjing,210029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To explore the effects of semantic navigation training (SNT) applied by family members on improvement of speech function in patients with aphasia. Method: Twenty patients with aphasia were randomly divided into SNT group (n=10) and unrelated semantic (US) group (n=10). One hundred and twenty-two words chosen from Chinese word association norms were used in this study. The presentation sequence of words was generated automatically with network analysis techniques in SNT group and randomly without network analysis techniques in US group. All the patients with aphasia received speech therapy implemented by family members daily for 10 consecutive d. Speech function was evaluated with western aphasia battery (WAB) and mini-communicative activity log (Mini-cal) before and after therapy respectively in all the patients. Result: The fluency, comprehension and aphasia quotient(AQ) of WAB after therapy were significantly higher in SNT group than that in US group. All the subitems and AQ of WAB in SNT group were significantly higher after therapy than before therapy. All the subitems and total scores of Mini-cal after therapy in SNT group increased significantly in comparison with US group and were significantly higher than that before therapy in SNT group. Conclusion: SNT implemented by family members may effectively improve speech function in patients with aphasia and is a suitable method for family treatment.
Keywords:semantic navigation training  aphasia  western aphasia battery
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