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顾昭华,王红星,王 尊,王 彤.可调式踝足矫形带与动态踝足矫形器对改善脑卒中下肢屈肌协同患者步行能力的比较[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(10):949~951
可调式踝足矫形带与动态踝足矫形器对改善脑卒中下肢屈肌协同患者步行能力的比较    点此下载全文
顾昭华  王红星  王 尊  王 彤
摘要点击次数: 2407
全文下载次数: 2855
      摘要 目的:比较可调式踝足矫形带与动态踝足矫形器对脑卒中下肢屈肌协同患者步行能力的影响。 方法:选择符合标准的脑卒中患者20例,分别在三种状态下(无矫形装置、穿戴DAFO、穿戴可调式踝足矫形带)观测患者步行时踝足位置,不同状态下Berg平衡功能和10m步行速度。 结果:在步行状态下,戴DAFO和可调式踝足矫形带均可矫正踝足对位关系,但可调式踝足矫形带对足内翻、足趾屈曲改善更明显;戴矫形装置的平衡和步速好于未戴矫形装置,两种矫形装置之间对患者平衡的改善无明显差异,但戴可调式踝足矫形带患者步行速度改善更为明显。 结论:可调式踝足矫形带可改善脑卒中下肢屈肌协同患者步行时的踝足对位关系,改善平衡和步行速度。
关键词:可调式踝足矫形带  屈肌协同  踝足对位  步速  平衡  动态踝足矫形器
The effects of adjustable orthopedic band and dynamic ankle foot orthosis on the walking ability of stroke patients with lower limb flexor synergy movement pattern    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiotherapy, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, 210029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To compare the effects of adjustable orthopedic band and dynamic ankle foot orthosis(DAFO) on the walking ability of stroke patients with lower limb flexor synergy movement pattern. Method: According to the criterion, 20 stroke patients were elected in this study. The ankle position during walking, Berg balance scale and 10m walking velocity were measured in three conditions (without any orthosis, with DAFO and with adjustable orthopedic band). Result: The paraposition of ankle and foot could be corrected during walking with DAFO or adjustable orthopedic band, while adjustable orthopedic band, could correct foot varus and toe flexion more effectively. During walking with DAFO or orthopedic band patient's balance ability and walking velocity improved while with adjustable orthopedic band walking velocity improved more, although no significant difference were found in balance ability change. Conclusion: Adjustable orthopedic band is helpful for correct the paraposition of ankle and foot and improving the balance ability and walking velocity of stroke patients, so it should be applied in clinical settings.
Keywords:adjustable orthopedic band  flexor synergy movement pattern  paraposition of ankle and foot  walking velocity  balance  dynamic ankle foot orthosis
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