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大蒜素预处理对运动大鼠心肌细胞凋亡的影响    点此下载全文
丁海丽  苏全生
摘要点击次数: 1559
全文下载次数: 1686
      摘要 目的:观察大蒜素预处理对一次性大负荷游泳运动后大鼠心肌细胞凋亡的影响,并分析其可能机制。 方法:将48只大鼠随机分为安慰剂组(A组)和用药组(B组),两组又各分为安静对照(A0、B0)、运动后即刻(A1、B1)和运动后24h(A2、B2)3小组。B组每日定时经口腔灌胃给予大蒜素30mg/kg体重,A组给予相同体重比例的安慰剂(蒸馏水)。两周后,观察各组在安静时及完成一次性大负荷游泳运动后即刻、运动后24h心肌细胞凋亡情况;心肌组织SOD活性、MDA含量及心肌超微结构变化情况。 结果:A、B两组运动后即刻心肌细胞凋亡率都非常显著升高,B组显著低于A组对应时相。心肌SOD运动后明显升高,B组显著高于A组对应时相;MDA变化趋势则与SOD相反。心肌超微结构A1组表现为线粒体肿胀,染色质趋边固缩,核膜不清晰;胞浆中空泡增多、变大,并且出现凋亡小体;A2组和B1组结构改变较轻微,B2组超微结构已趋于正常。 结论:大蒜素可能抑制运动性大鼠心肌微损伤过程中的心肌细胞凋亡现象。
关键词:大负荷运动  大蒜素  心肌微损伤  细胞凋亡  大鼠
Effects of preceding Allicin on cardiomyocyte apoptosis in rat after exercise    Download Fulltext
Institute of Human Movement Science, Beijing Sport University, 100084
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To observe effects of preceding Allicin on the apoptosis and the changes of ultrastructure of cardiomyocyte in rats after once higher loading swimming and to analyze the mechanism. Method: Forty-eight SD rats were divided into placebo group(A) and medication group(B) randomly. Rats of group B were feed with Allicin by intragastric administration and the timing dosage was 30mg/kg/d. Rate of group A were feed with placebo(distilled water), which dosage was the same as in group B. After 2 weeks, all groups were observed for apoptosis and ultrastructure changes of heart muscle cells, SOD, MDA of heart muscle cells, before and instant after and 24h after once higher loading swimming. Result:The apoptosis rate at instant after exercise of group A and B all increased significantly, while the apoptosis rate was lower significantly in group B than in group A at the same phase. The SOD activities of heart muscles after exercise increased apparently,and was higher in group B than in group A significantly at the same phase. While the change trend of MDA was opposite to SOD. Heart muscle cells ultrastructure of group A1 represented the tumescence of mitochondria, chromatin accumulation in nucleus, and unsharpness of nuclear membrane. The structure changes of A2 and B1 were less, and ultrastructure of B2 almost approached the normal level. Conclusion: Allicin could inhibit apoptosis in heart muscle with micro-injuries related to exercise in rats.
Keywords:higher loading movement  Allicin  cardiac microdamage  cell apoptosis  rat
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